
Publications: Tobacco Related Disease

Bahl, V., P. Jacob III, C. Havel, S. Schick. Ad P. Talbot (2014) Thirdhand Cigarette Smoke: Factors Affecting Exposure and Remediation, PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108258

 Matt GE, Quintana PJ, Destaillats H, Gundel LA, Sleiman M, Singer BC, Jacob Iii P, Benowitz N, Winickoff JP, Rehan V, Talbot P, Schick S, Samet J, Wang Y, Hang B, Martins-Green M, Pankow JF, Hovell MF. (2011) Thirdhand Tobacco Smoke: Emerging Evidence and Arguments for a Multidisciplinary Research Agenda. Environmental Health Perspectives. 119(8):1218-1226.

Yang, X., H. Scott, S. Ardekani, M. Williams, P. Talbot and K. Ghosh (2014) Aberrant cell and basement membrane architecture contribute to sidestream smoke-induced choroidal endothelial dysfunction, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 55(5) 3140-3147. doi: 10.1167/iovs.13-13659.

Sarker; Altaf, Soumita Das, Monique Williams, Sabrina Lin; Christopher Havel, Peyton Jacob III, Istvan Boldogh, Tapas Hazra, Prudence Talbot, Bo Hang (2014) NEIL2 protects against oxidative DNA damage induced by sidestream smoke in human lung and kidney cells. PlosOne 9(3) e90261. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090261.

Talbot, P. and S Lin (2011) The effect of cigarette smoke on fertilization and pre-implantation development: assessment using animal models, clinical data, and stem cells. Biological Research 44 (2), 189-194.

Trtchounian, A. and P. Talbot (2011) Electronic nicotine delivery systems: is there a need for regulation? Tobacco Control20: 47-52.

Trtchounian, A., M. Williams, and P. Talbot. (2010) Conventional and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have different smoking characteristics. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 12: 905-912.

Lin, S., S. Fonteno, J-H Weng, and P. Talbot (2010) Comparison of toxicity of smoke from conventional and harm reduction cigarettes using human embryonic stem cells. Toxicological Sciences 118:202-212.

Talbot, P. (2010). Invited Contributor to “Reproductive and Developmental Studies in Animals”, Chapter 3,   pp. 71-74. In: “How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease“, A Report of the Surgeon General, U.S Department of Health and Human Services.

Lin, S., Vu Tran, P. Talbot (2009) Comparison of toxicity of smoke from traditional and harm reduction cigarettes using embryonic stem cells as a novel model for pre-implantation development. Human Reproduction, 24:386-397.

Talbot, P. (2008) In vitro assessment of reproductive toxicity of tobacco smoke and its constituents. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 84: 61-72.

Riveles, K., V. Tran, Ryan Roza, Derek Kwan, P. Talbot (2007) Smoke from Traditional Commercial, Harm   Reduction, and Research Brand Cigarettes Impairs Oviductal Functioning in Hamsters (Merocricetus auratus) In Vitro. Human Reproduction 22:346-355. doi: 10.1093/humrep/del380

Yu, Richard, M. Wu, S. Lin, Prue Talbot (2006) Cigarette Smoke Toxicants Alter Growth and Survival of Cultured Mammalian Cells. Toxicological Sciences 93(1): 82-95.

Talbot P, Riveles K. (2005) Smoking and Reproduction: The Oviduct as a Target of Cigarette Smoke. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 3:25. 2003           

Riveles K, Roza R, Talbot P. (2005) Phenols, Quinolines, Indoles, Benzene, and 2-Cyclopenten-1-ones are Oviductal Toxicants in Cigarette Smoke. Toxicological Sciences 86(1): 141-151.

Gieseke C, and Talbot P. (2005) Cigarette Smoke Inhibits Hamster Oocyte Pickup by Increasing Adhesion between the Oocyte Cumulus Complex and Oviductal Cilia. Biology of Reproduction 73(3): 443-451.

Riveles, K., R. Roza, J. Arey, and P. Talbot. (2004) Pyrazine derivatives in cigarette smoke inhibit hamster oviductal functioning. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2:23. http// (11 published pages)

Riveles, K., M. Iv, J. Arey, P. Talbot. (2003) Pyridines in cigarette smoke inhibit hamster oviductal functioning in picomolar doses. Reproductive Toxicology 17:191-202.

Melkonian, G., H. Eckelhoeffer, M. Wu, Y. Wang, C. Tong and P. Talbot. (2003) Growth and angiogenesis are inhibited in vivo in developing tissues by pyrazine and its derivatives. Toxicological Sciences 75:393-401.

Melkonian, G., J. L. Wang, J. Chung, N. Munoz and P. Talbot. (2003) CD44 and tenascin play critical roles in growth and vascular development of the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and are targets of cigarette smoke. Anatomy and Embryology 208:109-120.

Melkonian, G., L. Chung, R. Marr, Cathy Tong, and P. Talbot. (2002) Mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke inhibit growth and angiogenesis in the day 5 chick chorioallantoic membrane. Toxicological Sciences 68: 237-248.

Melkonian, G., N. Munoz, J. Chung, Cathy Tong, R. Marr and P. Talbot.( 2002) Capillary plexus development in the day five to day six chick chorioallantoic membrane is inhibited by cytochalasin D and suramin. Journal of Experimental Zoology292:241-254.

Mullick, A., J. McDonald, G. Melkonian, P. Talbot, K. Pinkerton, and J. Rutledge. (2002) Reactive carbonyls from tobacco smoke increase arterial layer injury. American Journal of Physiology: Heart, Circulation, and Physiology 283: H591-H597.

Ji, Lin, G. Melkonian, K. Riveles, and P. Talbot. (2002) Identification of pyridine compounds in cigarette smoke solution that inhibit growth of the chick chorioallantoic membrane. Toxicological Sciences 69:217-225.

Melkonian, G., C. Le, W. Zhang, P. Talbot and M. Martins-Green. (2000) Normal patterns of angiogenesis and extracellular matrix deposition in chick chorioallantoic membranes are disrupted by mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 163:26-37.

Lam, X., C. Gieseke, M. Knoll, and P. Talbot. (2000) Assay and importance of adhesive interaction between hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) oocyte-cumulus complexes and the oviductal epithelium. Biology of Reproduction 62:579-588.

Talbot, P., C. Gieseke and M. Knoll. (1999) Oocyte pick-up by the mammalian oviduct. Molec Biol Cell 10:5-8.

DiCarlantonio, G. and P. Talbot. (1999) Inhalation of mainstream or sidestream cigarette smoke retards preimplantation embryo transport and muscle contraction in vivo. Biol Reprod., 3:651-656.

Knoll, M. and P. Talbot. (1998) Cigarette smoke inhibits oocyte cumulus complex pick-up by the oviduct in vitro independent of ciliary beat frequency. Reprod Toxicol 12:57-68.

Talbot, P., G. DiCarlantonio, M. Knoll and C. Gomez. (1998) Identification of cigarette smoke components that alter functioning of hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) oviducts in vitro. Biol Reprod. 58:1047-1053.

Huang, S., N. Driessen, M. Knoll and P. Talbot. (1997) In vitro analysis of oocyte cumulus complex pick-up rate in the hamster Mesocricetus auratus. Molec Reprod Develop 47:312-322.

DiCarlantonio, G., R. Shaoulian, M. Knoll, T. Magers, and P. Talbot. (1995) Analysis of ciliary beat frequencies in hamster oviducal explants. J. Exp. Zool. 272:142-152.

Knoll, M., R. Shaoulian, T. Magers, and P. Talbot. (1995) Ciliary beat frequency of hamster oviducts is decreased in vitro by exposure to solutions of mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke. Biol. Reprod. 53:29-37.

Magers, T., P. Talbot, G. DiCarlantonio, M. Knoll, D. Demers, I. Tsai, and T. Hoodbhoy. (1995) Cigarette smoke inhalation affects the reproductive tract of female hamsters. Reproductive Toxicology 9:513-525.

Talbot, P., T. Magers, R. Shaoulian, and M. Knoll. (1994) Effect of cigarette smoke on axonemal structures. Molec. Androl. 6:154-162. (Invited contribution)

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